
Astroneer leaves Steam Early Access with a new trailer

The game has been in Early Access since the end of 2016, and this 1.0 update brings even more content for fans to enjoy.

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System Era Softworks has just boldly gone where no man has gone before by making one small step out of Early Access and into the full launch of the 1.0 version of Astroneer. Okay, it's not exactly where no man has gone before, but it made the space analogy work.

Astroneer has been developed by AAA veterans who have worked in high places like Bungie, Valve, and Ubisoft, and the game has been in Steam Early Access since December 2016, so it's been a long voyage to get here.

What's more is that update 1.0 doesn't just mark the launch of the game, but also give players seven new planets with mysterious structures to explore, as well as new recipes too.

The game is currently discounted on Steam to mark the occasion, so if you want to blast off you can invest for £19.03, reduced from £23.79 ($23.99 USD, reduced from $29.99, or €22.39, down from €27.99).

The new trailer below gives you a taste of what to expect, including plenty of colourful environments of course.

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REVIEW. Written by Lisa Dahlgren

"Astroneer offers a delightful experience to lose oneself in, paired with wonderful visuals, and reviewing it was truly a pleasure."

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