Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Balance patch coming to Super Smash Bros.

Both the Wii U and 3DS versions getting updated.

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With no more new DLC characters, stages or items planned, the upcoming 1.1.6 update patch for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS may sound weird for those not familiar with the game in the recent months, but hardcore fans are actually expecting some needed balance tweaks in order to better integrate the latest fighters into the fighter.

Nintendo has announced (here and here) launch plans for the patch, but there's no further info or specific details available. One user on the NeoGaf forums has noted however that the patch size is just 61MB on Wii U and no less than 325MB (!) on 3DS, which is leading to some speculation about potential added content.

However, the most likely situation is some combat system balancing, applied to recent newcomers such as Bayonetta (in particular), Corrin and Cloud.


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