Wasteland 3

Brian Fargo: "I can understand the natural skepticism"

InXile boss says Microsoft deal is "a wonderful thing for our future".

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InXile Entertainment boss Brian Fargo took to Twitter to address concerns from fans of the RPG developer after it was revealed on Saturday evening that Microsoft has bought the studio. We've all seen studios get shut down after similar deals in the past.

"I can understand the natural skepticism of seeing small companies bought, we've all seen some subsequently dismantled after. Our deal with Microsoft allows InXile to grow and dream like never before. This is a wonderful thing for our future."

InXile Entertainment is working on bringing The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep to consoles and the eagerly awaited Wasteland 3 (PC/PS4/Xbox One). From what Fargo tweets it seems likely the studio will expand with the backing of Microsoft.

Wasteland 3

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Wasteland 3Score

Wasteland 3

REVIEW. Written by Roy Woodhouse

"The story is great and the combat is spot on with interesting tactical elements and a narrative where choice seems to make a genuine impact."

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