Carps & Dragons

Carps & Dragons 3DS and AfterZoom iOS detailed

More on Carps & Dragons and AfterZoom's success.

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Eva Gaspar, CEO at mobile and handheld-focused studio Abylight, shares her vision on digital games marketing in Madrid, and also provides details on their new arcade game Carps & Dragons and discusses AfterZoom's success.


"Carps & Dragons for 3DS is the first time that we're showing it to the general public. We released a previous game for WiiWare (Fish'em All!) and people thought that it was a fishing game, but it's actually not, it's just a typical arcade, you just have to catch as many fishes as possible and solve some puzzles".

Indeed, and if you need proof, here's some gameplay we captured during the Spanish event (disclaimer - we're terrible at fishing):


Right before her panel on digital games marketing, Eva had some words on the topic:

"Main advice is to take it very seriously, because even though it is very easy to publish your game (you have easy access to publishing platforms), it's harder to have your space in that huge sea of games, so you have to allocate a budget also for promotion".

Check out the complete interview for more on Abylight vision and the success of the AR-educational game AfterZoom for DSi (now getting a free-to-play version for iOS).

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