Dynasty Warriors 9

Dynasty Warriors 9's map takes 3 hours to cross on horseback

We talked to producer Akihiro Suzuki about the scope of the game.

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Dynasty Warriors 9 will be taking us back into Omega Force's musou series soon, and at Tokyo Game Show 2017 we spoke with producer Akihiro Suzuki about what changes are coming, as well as the size of the game.

"So this is the ninth game in the series and so for this one we've overhauled the game system by making it an open world game," he said. "We are using in the open world system, we actually have China on one entire map, and players have the option of choosing each mission, the order they want to go in, in order to reach the final goal."

We also had to ask about the team using NASA maps to recreate China, to which Suzuki said: "Yes that is correct, we are using the NASA maps in order to get the geographical rendering of the maps, so we do have an accurate representation of the land of China. In terms of how big it is, well, we're not saying exactly how large it is, but it's not 1 to 1, because if we were to do that, it'd be just way too big to be able to do for a game. But we are including some key places, landmark places [which] are a little bit bigger as opposed to maybe smaller plains which people maybe just pass by - those aren't as large. But if you were to go across the map, just riding on horse, it would take you three hours to ride from one end to the other."

How do you think Dynasty Warriors will work in this open world setting?

Dynasty Warriors 9

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Dynasty Warriors 9Score

Dynasty Warriors 9

REVIEW. Written by Sam Bishop

"Sure, the shift to open world wasn't really necessary, and doesn't really bring any huge advantages with it, but it's a very fun game nonetheless."

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