Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game gets single-player update

In addition to holiday events for increased perk rolls and double XP.

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Yesterday evening Gun Media and IllFonic posted on Friday the 13th: The Game's Facebook page saying that they had updated the game with some cool new stuff via the latest patch, and it's good news for those of you who'd rather play the game solo.

Offline bots, for instance, let you enjoy the experience without playing with other people, as you take on the role of Jason as he stalks each camp looking for victims, and what's more is that Shelly Finkelstein is now a playable character. If you don't know, Finkelstein is the main who gave Jason the famous hockey mask in the third film, and he's playable straight away.

Some of the other new additions and updates include:

Virtual Cabin 2.0
Premium Kill Pack
Level Cap Increase to 150
From December 18 to December 23 the chances of rolling Rare & Epic Perks is increased.
From December 23 to December 27 the chances of finding both Pamela Voorhees and Tommy Jarvis audio tapes is increased.
And from December 23rd to January 2nd, you will be earning double CP.

For more info on the update check out the official Friday the 13th: The Game website, but it's worth noting the update is live right now for you to enjoy. Will you be trying out the single-player experience, or is this a game best played with others?

Friday the 13th: The Game

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