Immortals: Fenyx Rising

Immortals: Fenyx Rising gets a confirmed release date of December 3

Stadia players will also be getting an exclusive free playable demo before launch.

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During tonight's Ubisoft Forward event it was revealed that Immortal: Fenyx Rising (formerly known as Gods & Monsters) will be launching December 3.

During the Foward, we also learned new information about the title. Game Director Scott Philips revealed that you'll be able to create your very own Fenyx in the game through a custom character creator. He also mentioned that the Greek-inspired open world will be fully explorable right from the get-go, giving plenty of freedom and player choice.

It was announced too that the title will be coming to Google Stadia and Stadia players will be receiving an exclusive demo that won't be coming to any other platforms. Phil Harrison, Vice President, and GM at Stadia also revealed that the demo will contain "an entirely unique island for you to experience." No date was given for the demo but it was revealed that it would be coming some time ahead of launch.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising

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