
The Future of Warface

We sat down with the developers of Warface and found out what's next for the military shooter.

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It has been a long and storied road for Warface, the military-themed shooter originally developed by Crytek and released in 2013. The game offers a distinct atmosphere while still managing to be familiar to those who enjoy loot-heavy action shooters in a multiplayer setting. With a very unique loot and monetisation system that's not forced upon the player, the game has built a strong community and has managed to set itself apart from its competitors.

Earlier this year development was taken over by Blackwood Games, a newly formed studio made up of Crytek Kiev alumni (who were unable to answer any of our questions on that period of the game's development). Now, several months on, the team has had time to adjust to its new structure and is looking to future and taken on the help of Allods Team for the console version of the game. To that end, we're seeing changes such as the upcoming addition of cross-play, and so we had a chat with Warface console project manager Alexandr Shimov (Allods Team) and Head of Global Publishing Alexey Izotov (MY.GAMES) about the game's console journey and about what's still to come.

What challenges have you faced in making cross-play happen and how important was the addition for you?

Alexey Izotov: MY.GAMES is a global company, and we believe cross-play is an indispensable element in the future of gaming. It's important to us that all players can play together, no matter what platform they use or where they are in the world.

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Alexandr Shimov: We've wanted to integrate cross-play among PS4 and Xbox One players for some time already, recognising it as a logical next step in the development of Warface on consoles. So, we were discussing this with our platform partners for a while and we're very glad to finally agree on doing that.

You recently released a content update adding a new class, tell us how the game has changed since launch?

Alexandr Shimov: As you may know, this October our franchise celebrated two anniversaries at once - Warface on PC turned 6 years, while Warface on consoles turned just one-year-old. A lot has happened during these years: we are on three different platforms now - PC, PS4 and Xbox One - with plans to expand further. Content-wise we have now 10 PvP modes, 11 thematic PvE co-op special operations on PC, and 10 PvE coop raids on consoles, more than 70 maps, more than 100 types of realistic weapons, more than 1,000 titles of achievements and five classes of playable characters on the PC version, with the 5th class of characters coming to Warface on consoles shortly enough.

Warface: Titan, the last content update you are talking about, has added a new playable class into the PC version of the game. We are now in the middle of porting the update to the console version, together with our new movement system, built from scratch. In the meantime, we are releasing minor content and some thematic events updates - such as Halloween, for example, that was funny and well received by our fans. Our development team is constantly working on optimising the game, adding new content to surprise and anticipate the expectations of our players. We are committed to keeping Warface fresh and exciting, especially on consoles. That has been our objective since day one. We put a lot of thought into major aspects of the game, like the monetisation system and cross-play among PS4 and Xbox One players, but we put a lot of thought into the finer details as well.

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What is the plan for Warface on console in the future, with the exception of the much-welcomed cross-platform play?

Alexey Izotov: We have big plans for Warface! Apart from developing the franchise in all the dimensions, Warface is a key esports title for MY.GAMES, and has had regular competitive leagues since the very first Warface Cup in 2013. We're really excited to expand this even further internationally by working with PlayStation on the PS4 Tournaments: Challenger Series. The new Warface season is expected to begin towards the end of the year! This is a series of tournaments anyone can enter across all skill levels, no matter where they live around the world. Most of our players are already based in the US, France, Germany and Great Britain, so we're hoping this series will get even more diverse players on board.

Alexandr Shimov: We are continuing to grow our player base and evolve the game with them. Being part of the MY.GAMES team has been a real advantage in that regard. Back when we were first porting the game to PS4 and Xbox One, having access to the wider team's resources and expertise was incredibly helpful. MY.GAMES has a lot of experience with 'games as a service', which has given us the opportunity to try new things and be more creative in our approach to development. We are looking forward to where we can take Warface in the future!


What are your best tips for players just starting out in Warface?

Alexandr Shimov: First, I'd say do not miss the training missions. In addition, at the beginning, it is better to play with the default equipment, as it doesn't require any repair while allowing you to complete any mission with it. In order to get more rewards - play PvP matches instead of coop matches, as by successfully completing a PvP match you will get more rewards. If you play coop missions - know your team, stick with it, and work in that team. Many Warface raids are based on strong teamwork. And don't forget to follow Warface on social networks! Including our official YouTube page, where our team posts all the latest news, announcements and interesting information. These are pretty much all the main tips to get you started!

The game does differ quite a bit from other first-person shooters. What sets it apart from the competition for you?

Alexandr Shimov: I think Warface stands out because of its realistic military setting, diversity of playable modes and abundance of in-game content. We have free regular updates both in PvE and in PvP. Warface also has 100 types of realistic weapons with extensive modification options, wide customization opportunities, and an expanded achievement system with over 1000 titles in it. That really resonates with our players.

Alexey Izotov: After just a year on consoles we have seen over 2 million days' worth of hours played across both PS4 & Xbox, while Warface across all platforms, i.e. on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, has over 80 million players worldwide! So, we must be doing something right.


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The Future of Warface

The Future of Warface

ARTICLE. Written by Lisa Dahlgren

We sat down with the developers of Warface and found out what's next for the military shooter.

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