Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Uncharted may be next in line for Remastered treatment

Shuhei Yoshida suggest another Naughty Dog game could be getting booted up to PS4.

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It appears that The Last of Us won't be the only PS3 exclusive getting ported to the PlayStation 4. Yesterday we had news that Beyond: Two Souls could be going that route, and today, Shuhei Yoshida, Sony President of Worldwide Studios, confirmed that Uncharted might be getting a similar treatment:

"There are requests from some consumers for games that were released later in the generation, like Uncharted, which people might have missed. That would be a good candidate. We don't want to flood the market with remade games either," Yoshida stated.

Yoshida was also asked about PS4's lineup for the rest of the year, specially compared with Xbox One's strong lineup:

"Very well, very very well," he said. "Games like Destiny are coming out, The Last of Us HD, it's a new game to play for people who didn't play on PS3. One amazing statistic, to me at least, was published by Nielsen a couple of months ago. They researched the PS4, and reported that 17 per cent of PS4 owners had never owned the last gen. A completely new consumer who skipped a generation. 32 per cent additionally didn't own a PS3, but owned a 360 or Wii."

Still, with The Last of Us Remastered, Driveclub and Little Big Planet 3 remaining as the only AAA PS4 exclusives announced so far (and LBP3 is also coming to PS3), it doesn't look like a particularly strong end of the year for Sony's new console in terms of exclusives.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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